John 14:15-21
Last week, we discussed John 14 in relation to achieving goals. Our scene in chapters 13 and 14 depicts the disciples sitting with Jesus at a Passover meal, most likely reclining on floor cushions instead of a Western-style dining table (See The Last Supper, Leonardo DaVinci, ~1498 vs Plate XIII- Costanza, Tomb of Banquet, ~350 AD). The disciples are unsure about the future of Jesus’ ministry, and their own ministry, in the face of Jesus’ imminent death. Verses 1-14 focus on Christ’s authority and power, calling the disciples to trust in Him. God’s will, or what we would call a “goal,” will be accomplished through the way of Jesus. Our goals as believers, when aligned with God’s will, are also only achievable through the glorious suffering of Christ. However, verses 15-21 shift the focus to a future gift that believers will be given. This gift is an Advocate, Truth-Giver, and Connector. Open your Bibles to John 14:15-21 and your copy of Take Every Passage to Prayer, Volume 2- The Gospels by Charles Wagner, pages 642-647, for a deeper study of this passage.
Spoiler alert, I love talking about the Holy Spirit. So much so that I am writing a blog-series specifically studying the form and function of the Holy Spirit. I fell in love with pneumatology in one of my college classes, “God Creation, New Creation.” My professor, Dr. Lauren White, passionately dissected some of the unique roles that the Holy Spirit holds. Since that class, I have noticed that a lot of churches passively accept the “mystery” of the Trinity. Oftentimes, believers do not attempt to study the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit cannot be understood fully, admitting defeat before seeking out any bit of knowledge. I want to encourage you to not accept ignorance when faced with this concept, namely because the Bible gives us a lot of information about the nature of the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, it is in the character of the Holy Spirit to reveal Himself to those who accept Him, as we will learn in this passage. Verses 15-21 give us 3 distinct qualities about the Holy Spirit, over a month before Pentecost, and before Christ was crucified. Here they are!
- The Holy Spirit is an Advocate. Our text uses the Greek word παράκλητος (Paraclete) in the accusative case to describe the Holy Spirit in verse 16, which can be translated as advocate, helper, intercessor, or comforter. We see this word used 5 times in the New Testament, and it exclusively refers to the Holy Spirit. This tells us that the Spirit is to be utilized during times of trouble. When we are distressed, depressed, and disoriented, we should turn to the Holy Spirit as a source of comfort. I really like the verbiage that Wagner uses on page 646, saying that “the source of our success is our connection to Jesus,” which is made possible through our relationship with the Advocate.
- The Holy Spirit is a Truth-Teller. After reading the first point, you may be asking yourself, “That is a really nice sentiment. How does the Holy Spirit actually comfort us?” He does this by conveying truth to us, reminding believers who aren’t able to physically experience Jesus that Jesus is with them. Wagner explains that, “The Holy Spirit, listening to the Father, will be their helper and He will guide them to all truth, teaching them everything they need to know and coaching them in various situations what is the right course of action” (644). Jesus reminds us in verse 17 that the world will not always accept this truth, because it can neither see nor know the Holy Spirit. Misinterpretations of this verse are a major culprit of churches abandoning the study of the Holy Spirit as a distinct member of the Trinity.
- The Holy Spirit is a Connector. The Holy Spirit tells us that we are connected to God, which is a truth that comforts us. However, the Holy Spirit is more than a messenger who relays calming proverbs, He is a metaphysical connection to the divine. Accepting the Holy Spirit into our hearts, as we learn in verses 18-20, transforms our desires, our thoughts, and our cosmic inheritance. He adopts us into His kingdom, making us sons and daughters of the Most High. The Holy Spirit is indeed a comforter through His truth-telling, but He is the one who empowers the work of Christ within individual believers. The Father sends and authorizes the work of the Trinity, Christ accomplishes the work and actualizes God’s perfection in human form, and the Holy Spirit stirs the hearts of humans, perfecting and empowering their faith. The Holy Spirit is the way humans are able to connect with the divine. Wagner confirms this, saying, “Jesus needs to complete the work of salvation and then stop out of the way as the Holy Spirit, who does as Jesus commands, will come and dwell with them” (644).
Pray with me to invite the Holy Spirit into our hearts and to encourage Him to accomplish His work.
Dear Lord Father,
Author of the universe and Catalyst for salvation, we bow in front of your cosmic throne bearing tongues on fire with worship. Jesus Christ, Son of Man and Realizer of salvation, we are eternally grateful for your peace that runs like a river, and your storehouses that overflow with mercy. Holy Spirit, Perfecter of our faith and Enabler of salvation, we invite you to purify our sinful hearts so that we might accept our invitation to become sons and daughters of the King. O Godhead, three-in-one, let our human nature be supernaturally connected to your divine nature through our Advocate, our Truth-Teller, and our Connector, your Holy Spirit.
In your Son’s name we pray, Amen.