Take Every Thought to Prayer - Volume 2, Prayers to Love Our Neighbor
Publications,  Take Every Thought to Prayer - Volume 2, Prayers to Love Our Neighbor

414. The Log in My Own Eye

Dear Father, I mourn tonight because an immoral man or woman has been given authority in my community. I am deeply saddened that my neighbors would give power to a person of such moral depravity. I fear what this person will do with power. If they don’t have a moral foundation, they could conceivably do all kinds of evil things. I share my concerns with my friends on social media. I participate in protests. I hold candles at vigils. I sign petitions to remove this person from power.

However, what does my own heart look like? Do I mourn the depravity in my own life? Do I get angry about my own moral failures? Do I belittle the seriousness of my own rebellion from you? Do I permit myself to doubt You and worship other gods? Am I blind to the log in my own eye as I fear the splinter in this authority figure’s eye? Father, may I not be a hypocrite. I have no legitimacy to mourn the moral failures of someone else when I fail to surrender my life to You. Please forgive me for my hypocrisy. I confess my rebellion from You. I repent. I surrender. May the Holy Spirit transform my heart and soul so that I demonstrate the fruits of the spirit. Then, and only then, I can mourn the moral failures in others. Amen.

Charles Wagner is the founder, President of the Board, and Executive Director of Gramazin Inc. He is the host of The Gramazin Testimony Report on WEZE 590 AM and WROL 950 AM in Boston, MA. He is also the author of five books.

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