413. Sharing My Faith in Christ
Dear Father, I confess that I do not share my faith in Jesus Christ with others. I’m hesitant. I’m reluctant. I make excuses.
It’s not the best time. I’m not ready for this. I have someplace else I need to be. I have something else I need to do. I’m not as eloquent as others.
Father, Your Son, Jesus Christ, saved me from an eternity absent from You. I should be bursting to share with others the story of how You rescued me. Father, instead, I act like I am embarrassed or ashamed of You. I disrespect the power of the gospel to transform hearts and minds by my testimony. Perhaps, Father, I don’t even care about those who are lost. If I am saved, nothing else matters. Father, something is wrong with my heart that I am not sharing my faith with others. Am I afraid of the consequences? Father, change my heart. May I become someone who shares their faith with enthusiasm and without fear. My story is simple:
I was a rebel walking away from God. God got my attention through hardship. I confessed and repented of my rebellion, trusting that I was forgiven because Jesus Christ paid the penalty for my rebellion. God is continuing to use adversity in my life to transform my heart. I have mentors speaking into my life. Because I am grateful for God’s love for me, I am eager to show compassion to others who are hurting.
Father, that’s my story. Help me to share it without hesitation or reluctance. Bring me opportunities and divine appointments with people who need to hear it. Amen.