Take Every Thought to Prayer - Volume 1, Prayers to Love God
Publications,  Take Every Thought to Prayer - Volume 2, Prayers to Love Our Neighbor

5. You Are God, I Am Not

Dear Father, You are God and I am not. You are holy and I am common. You are sovereign and I am needy. You are all-knowing and I am ignorant. You are all-wise and I am foolish. You are all-powerful and I am weak. You are righteous and pure but I am stained with the messes I have made. You are loving, compassionate, generous, and merciful. I’m so incredibly self-centered and cruel. You are everywhere but I am in only one place at a time. Father, nonetheless, I have fired you as God and put myself on the throne of my life. Am I nuts? Am I crazy? That makes no sense. The true God needs to do what only He can do – be God. Father, be my God. I quit that job. Amen.

Charles Wagner is the founder, President of the Board, and Executive Director of Gramazin Inc. He is the host of The Gramazin Testimony Report on WEZE 590 AM and WROL 950 AM in Boston, MA. He is also the author of five books.

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