Gramazin and Politics
The talk of the nation is the upcoming Presidential election on November 5, 2024. As you all know, Vice President Kamala Harris and President Donald Trump are vying to become the next President of the United States.
Yet, Gramazin is silent on the election and that is by design.
Oh, don’t get me wrong. My wife Karen certainly knows I have very strong political opinions. She hears me vent all the time about “the other side” and neighbors who are, shall I say, not very bright because of their front lawn signage. My children, family, close friends, board members, and staff know exactly where I stand politically. Yet, despite all of that, I keep my mouth zipped about politics when it comes to Gramazin.
Here are the reasons why:
- I represent the Kingdom of God. I am an Ambassador for Jesus Christ. My business is the business of the gospel and the objective to give everlasting hope to those who are spiritually blind.
Conservatives need to know the Lord
Liberals need to know the Lord
Democrats need to know the Lord
Republicans need to know the Lord.
Therefore, Gramazin must not alienate 50% of the US population that need the hope of Jesus Christ because we pick sides in the political theater.
- Politics can’t save America. Oh, there’s no question that in an election such as this the “winning” candidate’s actions in office will impact our lives dramatically. There is no doubt that we need to vote and to vote knowing the candidates, their characters, their experience, their beliefs, and their platforms.
However, I firmly believe the political mess in America is not because we have elected the wrong politicians. The wrong politicians are a symptom of a much larger problem: our turning our back on God.
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 (NIV)
The recipe for lasting renewal in America is not choosing the correct politicians. It’s getting on our knees, confessing our sin, repenting of our wicked ways, and surrendering our hearts, minds, and lives to the advancement of the Kingdom of God.
When millions of people are led to Jesus Christ because believers shared their testimony and the gospel, Americans will vote differently and politicians and bureaucrats will know they will be held accountable for godly policies.
- Others speak my political views for me. There are hundreds of podcasters, public figures, politicians, and writers who, for the most part, make the political points I would make if I took a public stand for one side of the political aisle over the other. They are saying what I would say. Therefore, there’s no loss in the political discourse because I’m not sharing my biased opinion.
I have established a policy that I have made very clear to my staff. Under no circumstance is anyone to post something even remotely political on our website or social media without my approval. Violations of this are grounds for disciplinary action including the potentiality of dismissal.
Yes, this makes our work more difficult at Gramazin. I’m sure that if Gramazin posted that Candidate Whose-eee-do is a blankety blank blankety blank we would immediately gain thousands of likes and followers. We would also gain much disapproval as well, creating a host of enemies that would ignore our gospel message at best or seek to silence our gospel message at worst.
Therefore, Gramazin is going to keep out of politics. Oh, we have guests on our radio show who clearly have strong political opinion. I may fervantly agree or disagree with them. However, we let them know, when necessary, that they are on our show to talk about the gospel, believer testimonies, and their ministry.
Vote on November 5 but save America by serving the Lord every day!